Sparking Hope in the lives of Students, Families and Communities.
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Estimated number of over-age middle school students in NYC during 19-20 school year


TLNYC was Founded in Brooklyn


Graduates Since 2012


Percent Promotion Rate

So What is an over-age student?

An over-age student is generally classified as one who has been held back two or more times.

Three major factors students become over-age?

1. Α Student’s schooling is interrupted. Factors such as domestic violence, foster care placement; frequent family relocation can cause a student to fail to meet requirements for promotion.


2. Αppropriate academic supports are not provided. Students who need special education services, counseling, or other intensive supports fall further and further behind if these supports re not provided completely and consistently.


3. A student who needs to change schools cannot find an alternative placement. Students who need to change schools for reasons related to safety, discipline, or family circumstances sometimes find themselves discharged from their old school with nowhere else to go.

over-age greaphic

An over-age student is classified as one who repeated a grade level two or more times.

Work in Progress

Tutoring and homework assistance for 2 hours per day, Monday through Friday and Saturday sessions We are flexible in our methods of…..

Guide the Youth

Includes one on one or group meetings that allow volunteer mentors to help students develop their interpersonal, critical thinking and leadership skills.

Community Service

Students get an opportunity to have a positive impact in their community through projects in collaboration with schools, businesses….

Career Day

Through workshops, job site visits, field trips, and hands on work with professionals, students are granted the opportunity to explore various career fields.

All For One

TLNYC’s staff serves as liaisons between the schools and families of our students. TLNYC also host and provides family outings, parent workshops….

Youth Empowerment

Consists of wellness and life skills classes, peer group sessions, and guest speaker appearances. Lessons range from etiquette skills…..

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